We Are All Star Stuff

Gemma Danks, Phd

AI/ML + Data Engineering Consultant
Independent Researcher
Genome Biologist
Science Communicator
Marathon Runner
Astrobiology and Space Enthusiast
Hobby Photographer
Mother of Two

Named one of Norway's 50 leading women in tech 2021

Gemma Danks

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.”

– John Muir

What i do

Child with a globe

How do you satisfy a child that has an insatiable curiosity about the Universe?

Artificial Intelligence

How do you harness the power of machine learning to help solve hard problems and avoid data overload?

Female day 6 Oikopleura dioica

What happens when you open up your lab book to the world?


What do you do when your child wants a story about fairies and dragons in space?


How do you capture moments in time and the details of our world?


What are planets outside our solar system like? Do they have life? What kind of life? Is it anything like ours? How can we detect it? Is it intelligent?

Part of my time is dedicated towards working on these questions as an independent researcher with a focus on open science.

I also write about astrobiology to help parents cultivate their child’s curiosity about the Universe.


I enjoy exploring and photographing the places I live. I spent 12 years in a special part of the world, on the West coast of Norway in the land of fjords and mountains, surrounded by nature. Now I photograph the historic streets and architecture in Chester and the beautiful English countryside surrounding it.

hiking in the mountains
Islands in the sea on a cloudy day